
Temple Grandin taught us that many individuals are visual processors first, and language processors second! If that’s your child or student, this article describes ways of supporting their language development while honoring their visual ‘first language.’ Part of Marge’s ‘Finding the Words…’ column series in the Autism Asperger’s Digest, and a great companion article to ‘Finding the Words…To Tell the Whole Story’ (See this in Language), this is a must read article for supporting many of our gestalt language processors.

Please excuse the out-dated language in this and all of these articles.
If I could revise these published articles, I would honor the now-preferred ‘identify first’ language.

Language development is one thing, but finding that newly-developed language is something else. That’s language retrieval! To quote from the column: “…a language retrieval challenge is a discrepancy between language competence and language access.” This article helps us support our children as they are developing language — and when they face a retrieval crisis!

Please excuse the out-dated language in this and all of these articles.
If I could revise these published articles, I would honor the now-preferred ‘identify first’ language.