
NLA success stories are abundant, and rich in variety. Each one includes food-for-thought, and lessons for us all: seasoned NLA practitioners, SLPs who are just learning about NLA, university students, parents, other professionals, families and extended families. Our library of stories is housed in the International section because they are not only told in English, but in other languages. Closed captioning for stories in languages other than English are not correct at this time.  Stand by!

Our first stories are told by Isabel, an SLP in Belgium, Paulina, an SLP in Canada, and Kiran, an SLP in India. Stay tuned here, as our bank of stories is destined to grow!

And the number of stories in different languages will grow as well.


Isabel would like to share a a story about a little GLP student. At the time when he started school at 3 years old, no-one knew that he couldn’t generate his own language. It wasn’t obvious. Why? He had been diagnosed with a genetic disorder, but he was very fluent and intelligible, more than most 3 year olds. By the time Isabel found out about NLA and GLP, this little boy was the first child who came in her mind. Let us tell you why.



Isabel deelt hier graag een verhaal over een jong gestalt taal verwerkertje. Op het moment dat hij op school startte was hij drie jaar oud, en niemand wist dat hij eigen geen eigen taal kon bouwen. Het was niet zo evident dit op te merken. Waarom? He had een diagnose van een genetische afwijking maar ondanks dat sprak hij erg vloeiend en was heel verstaanbaar, meer dan de meeste kinderen van zijn leeftijd. Tegen de tijd dat ze over NLA en gestalt taalverwerking leerde, was dit jongetje de eerste waar ze aan dacht. Laten we eens gaan kijken waarom! 



In Paulina’s first story, she describes a little one who used English and Hindi, and especially loved scripts from SpongeBob. She describes how he progressed from not being acknowledged at all, to Stage 3, and beginning Stage 4 after a year. Paulina was able to reassure his family that the incorrect grammar of Stage 4 is a mark of self-generated language.




Paulina describes her first assessment session with a four-year-old from a mono-lingual English-speaking family who was described as not talking. But Paulina had asked the right questions of his mom to make their first session successful. Paulina was able to connect with her new client by using his gestalt as he’d tried to match the intonation of a counting video in Spanish: ‘uno.dos.tres.cuatro.’ Their immediate connection got their therapeutic relationship off to a flying start!




This is a story about a girl with a special musical ear. She wasn’t an obvious GLP, as she didn’t talk or use her voice in any way until …. we recognized intonational patterns she was using when she was vocalizing. She was so happy we acknowledged the songs and the contexts she was sharing.  As she has difficulties in motor speech, she couldn’t share more than intonation. She works so hard and she’s grown so much. Listen to her story…



Dit is een verhaal over een meisje met een bijzonder muzikaal gehoord. Ze was geen overduidelijke gestalt taalverwerker, omdat ze nog niet praatte en haar stem nog niet bewust gebruikte tot … we bepaalde intonatiepatronen herkenden die ze gebruikte als ze vocaliseerde. Ze was zo blij dat we haar liedjes erkenden samen met de context die ze ermee deelde. Omdat ze problemen heeft met spraakmotoriek, kon ze niet meer delen dan alleen intonatie. Ze werkt zo hard en ze is al zo hard gegroeid! Luister mee naar haar verhaal….



Kiran’s first story illustrates the flexibility of language that is acquired naturally, in this case language that we sometimes think we have to teach children. Learning about NLA only recently, Kiran learned not only the value of not interfering with a child’s natural process, but how a very new NLA practitioner can support other SLPs because she is learning from her clients! Starting in Mumbai, NLA has a chance to grow in India! Please take a look!

English Hindi

किरन हमें एक ऐसे बच्चे के बारे में बताती है जो  उसके पास आई क्योंकि उसकी भाषा का विकास और नहीं बढ़ रहा था।  
इस चार साल की बच्ची को ALP जैसे सिखाया गया था।  जब किरन ने एक गुड़िया से खेलते हुए बात की और उस बच्ची ने उसके शब्द तुरंत दोहराये, किरन ने उसके माता पिता से सवाल पूछना शुरू किये ये जानने के लिए की क्या वो GLP है।  माता पिता को आश्चर्य हुआ की किरन उनसे सही सवाल पूछ रही थी और किरन को उनकी बच्ची के बारे में इतना कैसे मालुम था।  सुन लीजिये  

Hindi English

Kiran tells a story about her new client who came to her because she had plateaued in her language development when she was treated as an analytic processor. When this four-year-old immediately echoed Kiran’s playful words to a baby doll, Kiran began asking parents questions to see if the little girl was a GLP. Parents were amazed that Kiran was asking the right questions, and wondered how Kiran already seemed to know her! Take a listen…


Stories.Liz.1. Francais

Dans cette première histoire de Liz, elle décrit une jeune fille et son cheminement du développement du langage par le gestalt pour l’apprentissage de l’anglais et ensuite le français. Elle est passée à travers les étapes de l’apprentissage naturel du langage d’elle-même ayant seulement besoin d’un peu de support afin de passer en peu plus de temps à certains stades pour « libérer » plus de mots à une utilisation flexible et di-verse. Elle communique maintenant au stade 3 en français et elle utilise un niveau de grammaire spontanée en anglais au stade 5.  



In Liz’s first story, she describes a young girl’s gestalt lan-guage development journey to learning both English and then French while figuring out the stages of Natural Lan-guage Acquisition mostly on her own and assistance only needed to help her pause at certain stages to free all her words for flexible use. She now uses English grammar at Stage 5 and French is at Stage 3. 


Stories: Raghad.1.English

Raghad is an SLT in Palestine, working in an elementary school with students ages 6 and older. When she recognized that her efforts to support analytic language development in her autistic students wasn’t working, she Googled ‘echolalia’ and discovered NLA! Marge’s first NJACE webinar began her journey with one student who fit the profile of a GLP perfectly. Here is the story of their adventure from Stage 1 to emerging Stage 4! As she says, this student moved rapidly through the first three stages because he was “just waiting for someone to ‘get’ him.” Raghad did!


Stories: Raghad.1.Arabic

رغد، هي معالجة لغة وتواصل تعمل مع أطفال مع تشخيص توحد في المرحلة الابتدائية من عمر 6 سنوات. عندما شعرت بأن المجهود الذي تبذله في دعم تطور اللغة عند الأطفال مع تشخيص التوحد بطريقة التطور التحليلية لم يعد يجدي نفعاً، بدأت بالبحث عن مصطلح “الاكولاليا”. بعد أن وجدت رغد أول ندوة نُشرت لمارج والتي عرّفتها على مصطلح “التطور الطبيعي للغة”، بدأت رحلتها مع أحد الطلاب والذي كان يلائم بروفايل تطور اللغة الجشطالتي بشكل مثالي.

تتحدث رغد هنا عن رحلتها من المرحلة الأولى وحتى المرحلة الرابعة! كما تقول، انتقل الطالب بشكل سريع في المراحل الثالث الأولى وذلك لأنه كان “ينتظر شخص يفهمه”. ورغد كانت هذا الشخص!
