Here are the Communication Development Center Policies that we all probably agree on, because we care about our clients, potential clients, and their families. We want to remind everyone that we are not in competition with one another, rather as a team spreading our neurodiversity mindsets and providing Gestalt Language Processing and Natural Language Acquisition expertise with the world. We want potential clients to know who we are as professionals, but we don’t want to appear to be competing or end up competing with each other. We are all in this together, all learning, and all capable of learning more along with our clients and families, no matter how experienced or well educated we are.
We also presume that we are all SLPs, SLTS, SLPAS, CDAS, and not BCBAs and RBTs. We also presume that we are all ND-affirming, not compliance-based, use child-led therapy, are family focused, and acknowledge the principles of child development and the development of self-regulation.
Each of us is proud of the courses we’ve taken, readings we’ve done, in services we’ve provided in our school or clinic etc… but we’re not in competition with each other so our policy is to respect that our comment section reflects collegiality.
Here are some examples that might illustrate what families would be looking for:
- Autistic SLP, specializing in ND-affirming client and family support
- Multilingual; Indian subcontinent languages
- Extensive experience 18 months-18 years
- Experience with early childhood Stages 1, 2, and 3
- Experience with children 18 months-10 years
- Experience with older students up to 18-years
- Experience with all ages through early 20s
- Clinic-based and School-based experience and 2 NLA courses
- In-home experience after taking the Natural Communication course in Spanish
- Clinic-based experience with bilingual Hindi and English; completed Uncleft course
- Team-based services in ND-affirming Elementary School
- Currently taking the Natural Communication course after completing the Meaningful Speech course
- OT supported co-treatment with some of our clinic-based clients using NLA and sensory integrative strategies
- Actively learning about AAC supports for GLPs
- AAC experience with apraxic/dyspraxic individuals and GLPs University clinic-based services for ALPs and GLPs of all ages
- Remote services in underserved communities
- Providing virtual consultative services in these locations
Since our goal is to both reflect your practice as you want to reflect it and maintain the collegiality we mentioned earlier, we will contact you if we feel that an edit to your listing would better reflect those values.
Estas son las políticas del Centro de Desarrollo de la Comunicación con las que podemos acordar, pues sabemos que todos nos preocupamos por nuestros clientes, alumnos y sus familias. Queremos recordarle a todos que no estamos en competencia entre nosotros, sino que formamos un equipo que difunde nuestras mentalidades de neurodiversidad y proporciona al mundo experiencia en Procesamiento Gestáltico del Lenguaje y Adquisición Natural del Lenguaje (ANL). Queremos que cualquier persona que esté considerando recibir servicios de uno de nosotros sepa quiénes somos como profesionales, pero no queremos crear ningún tipo de competencia en el proceso. Todos estamos en esto juntos, todos aprendiendo y todos somos capaces de aprender más junto con nuestros clientes y familias, sin importar cuánta experiencia o educación tengamos.
También asumimos que todos somos terapeutas de lenguaje, logopedas, fonoaudiólogos, y no terapeutas conductuales (ABA). También asumimos que todos afirmamos la neurodiversidad sin basarnos en ningún tipo de conductismo, que usamos la terapia liderada por los niños, que nos centramos en la familia y que reconocemos los principios del desarrollo infantil y el desarrollo de la autorregulación.
Cada uno de nosotros está orgulloso de los cursos que hemos tomado, las lecturas que hemos hecho, los servicios que hemos proporcionado en nuestra escuela o clínica, etc… pero no estamos en competencia entre nosotros, por lo que nuestra política es respetar que nuestra sección de comentarios refleje nuestra colegialidad.
Aquí hay algunos ejemplos que podrían ilustrar lo que las familias estarían buscando en un proveedor de servicios que forma parte de este directorio:
- Terapeutas de lenguaje/logopedas/fonoaudiólogos autistas, especializados en el apoyo al cliente y a la familia, y que afirman la neurodiversidad
- Multilingües; incluyendo los idiomas subcontinentales de la India
- Amplia experiencia con personas de 18 meses-18 años
- Experiencia con las Fases 1, 2 y 3 de la primera infancia
- Experiencia con niños de 18 meses a 10 años
- Experiencia con estudiantes mayores de hasta 18 años
- Experiencia con todas las edades hasta principios de los 20 años
- Experiencia en el entorno clínico (clínica privada, centro, etc.) y escolar y haber completado 2 cursos de la ANL
- Experiencia en el hogar después de tomar el curso de Comunicación Natural en español
- Experiencia clínica bilingüe (hindi e inglés); haber completado el curso de Uncleft
- Servicios con un equipo interdisciplinario en escuelas primarias que afirman la neurodiversidad
- Actualmente tomando el curso de Comunicación Natural después de haber completado el curso de Meaningful Speech
- Intervención junto a un terapeuta ocupacional con conocimiento sobre la ANL y la integración sensorial
- Aprendizaje activo sobre los apoyos de comunicación aumentative y alternativa (CAA) para procesadores gestálticos de lenguaje (PGLs)
- Experiencia en CAA con individuos apráxicos/dispráxicos y PGLs
- Servicios clínicos (dentro de una universidad) para procesadores analíticos (PALs) y PGLs de todas las edades
- Servicios en comunidades remotas
- Proporcionar servicios de asesoría virtual en estos sitios
Dado que nuestro objetivo es reflejar la práctica y servicios de cada profesional como cada uno quisiera hacerlo y mantener la colegialidad que mencionamos anteriormente, nos pondremos en contacto con ustedes/vosotros si creemos que una edición/corrección de su/vuestro perfil reflejaría mejor esos valores.
Families! We hope you have felt supported as you’ve read through our pages, and watched our videos…
But you might feel you’d like to partner with an SLP/SLT or other speech and language professional who is versed in gestalt language development and NLA. You are in the right place! Please check the Registry here; it changes weekly!
But if you don’t find someone here, please don’t worry. Many of us came upon NLA when we knew it was the right approach for a particular child. If that is your child, then you may need to look no farther than your current SLP; if both of you are willing, you can learn about NLA/GLP together!
A Care Above Therapy Serivces, LLC
Kate Brownstein is a licensed Speech-Language Pathologist with over a decade of experience serving a variety of individuals in the United States and Abroad.
Specific interest in NLA and meeting people where they are.
We are play-based and client-led. Accepting new clients both in person (in limited areas) and virtually in Maryland, Virginia, Massachusetts, and Texas. We look forward to hearing from you!
A to Z Speech and Language Clinic
-Experience: 6.5 years as an SLP
-Languages: English, French, Greek
Abbey Massar, M.Sc. R-SLP (C)
Play-based and neurodiversity affirming SLP.
Accepting new clients for in person services in Calgary or virtual services for residents throughout Alberta.
Abbey Speech Language & Learning
Hello! I’m Evelyn de Castro, M.Sc.A, SLP(C), RSLP in Langley, BC Canada
Available for consults but pretty full for in person therapy sessions at the moment.
Feel free to contact me – I love supporting GLPs and working collaboratively with families.
Abi Beecham
Child led therapy and parent coaching in Kent and south east London. One off assessments and training also offered.
Ability Núcleo Fonoaudiológico Infantil
– Languages: Portuguese
-Experience: Language and Early Intervention. Practice based on affection and respect, affirmative of neurodiversity.
Access Communication and Therapy
Access Speech & Allied Therapies
Accessible Education Solutions
Parent coaching and consulting also available.
Achieve Pediatric Therapy and Rehab
Accepting new clients!
Achievements, PLLC
Mostly provide intervention for Albany, Schenectady, Rensselaer, and Saratoga counties through a private preschool company
Across the Board Therapy
I have been using NLA for about a year now, and have taken the Meaningful Speech course.
It has absolutely been life changing for me and for my clients. So many amazing stories and memories have been made so far, and I feel I’m only just beginning!