Good Morning,
I am just starting to introduce AAC to a GLP client and I wondered if anyone would be kind enough to share how they have started off in terms of the layout on the AAC?
Thank you so much.
- AdminTop contributor“I’m sure you realize this is a very impossible post to comment on intelligently. But, given that your honest request is really where all of us are at the beginning, I thought it would be good to just share your open-ended question, and ask our resident experts to start the conversation.” Ereeni Roulakis and (Name not included)
- Top contributor“Hi Anonymous member, it really depends. I have given single word AAC to some GLP clients with very little customizing, and its worked out pretty well- a couple times it gave them a lifeline enough to start using mouth words so that I was able to find out their gestalts. Other times, I’ve started with something like PODD that is organized by communication and that has been a great place to start. Other times, I’ve created special folders for movie quotes and gestalts and it’s made my clients so much more interested in their device. That’s probably the most general advice- make a folder and put their gestalts in it and maybe some language model/possibilities that you think they might acquire as a gestalt. Sorry Marge to be so general!It really all depends, so much on the individual, how much access they have to mouth words, where they are in the stages of NLA, etc. Take a look at these two parents’ different set ups for ideas:YOUTUBE.COMSpeak for Yourself set-up for Stage 1/2 Gestalt Processing AAC user (take 2)
Speak for Yourself set-up for Stage 1/2 Gestalt Processing AAC user (take 2)
- (Name not included)“What software? What hardware? What GLP stage are they in? What is some of their language background? Definitely need more information to be able to assist. However, would love to provide you some feedback if given more information.”
- (Name not included)Top contributor“Which program? What age and stage?”
- (Name not included)Top contributor“There is an AAC group as well, probably better help.”
- (Name not included)“Listen to part 1 and 2 especially…/talking…/id1300126888…PODCASTS.APPLE.COMTalking With Tech AAC Podcast: Marge Blanc & Alexandria Zachos (Part 1): Supporting Students with Echolalia Using the Natural Language Acquisition Framework on Apple Podcasts
- (Name not included)“Ask Me, I’m an AAC user! (24 Hour Rule!) is a great resource too.”