رغد، هي معالجة لغة وتواصل تعمل مع أطفال مع تشخيص توحد في المرحلة الابتدائية من عمر 6 سنوات. عندما شعرت بأن المجهود الذي تبذله في دعم تطور اللغة عند الأطفال مع تشخيص التوحد بطريقة التطور التحليلية لم يعد يجدي نفعاً، بدأت بالبحث عن مصطلح “الاكولاليا”. بعد أن وجدت رغد أول ندوة نُشرت لمارج والتي عرّفتها على مصطلح “التطور الطبيعي للغة”، بدأت رحلتها مع أحد الطلاب والذي كان يلائم بروفايل تطور اللغة الجشطالتي بشكل مثالي.
تتحدث رغد هنا عن رحلتها من المرحلة الأولى وحتى المرحلة الرابعة! كما تقول، انتقل الطالب بشكل سريع في المراحل الثالث الأولى وذلك لأنه كان “ينتظر شخص يفهمه”. ورغد كانت هذا الشخص!
Raghad is an SLT in Palestine, working in an elementary school with students ages 6 and older. When she recognized that her efforts to support analytic language development in her autistic students wasn’t working, she Googled ‘echolalia’ and discovered NLA! Marge’s first NJACE webinar began her journey with one student who fit the profile of a GLP perfectly. Here is the story of their adventure from Stage 1 to emerging Stage 4! As she says, this student moved rapidly through the first three stages because he was “just waiting for someone to ‘get’ him.” Raghad did!
The Journey from Echolalia to Self-Generated Language, Marge Blanc, M.A., CCC-SLP
“This is the language course we missed in school”
Leslie W., M.A., CCC-SLP
“This is the language course we missed in school”
– Leslie, M.A., CCC-SLP
Donations appreciated!
“This is the language course we missed in school”
– Leslie, M.A., CCC-SLP
Here are the Communication Development Center Policies that we all probably agree on, because we care about our clients, potential clients, and their families. We want to remind everyone that we are not in competition with one another, rather as a team spreading our neurodiversity mindsets and providing Gestalt Language Processing and Natural Language Acquisition expertise with the world. We want potential clients to know who we are as professionals, but we don’t want to appear to be competing or end up competing with each other. We are all in this together, all learning, and all capable of learning more along with our clients and families, no matter how experienced or well educated we are.
We also presume that we are all SLPs, SLTS, SLPAS, CDAS, and not BCBAs and RBTs. We also presume that we are all ND-affirming, not compliance-based, use child-led therapy, are family focused, and acknowledge the principles of child development and the development of self-regulation.
Each of us is proud of the courses we’ve taken, readings we’ve done, in services we’ve provided in our school or clinic etc… but we’re not in competition with each other so our policy is to respect that our comment section reflects collegiality.
Here are some examples that might illustrate what families would be looking for:
Since our goal is to both reflect your practice as you want to reflect it and maintain the collegiality we mentioned earlier, we will contact you if we feel that an edit to your listing would better reflect those values.